Haitz Law

Haitz Law: a crucial turning point in becoming more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly

Roland Haitz is an industry pioneer when it comes to the development of LED technology. The result of his work, the Haitz’s Law, has revolutionized the lighting market, and he will be forever remembered as one of the most influential figures in the world of lighting.

Photo courtesy of Haitz’s Law.

Haitz’s Law, which the industry named after Roland Haitz, described how LEDs were doubling in light output while cutting costs in half every eighteen months. This exponential increase in efficiency, led to the rapid growth in desire for LEDs, and thanks advances leading to lower costs, LED technology has become more accessible, and higher in demand, than ever.

In 2013, Roland Haitz explained that, while he could not predict the future, there existed a real potential for the LED market to continue to expand. This prediction has been realized, and today, LED lighting is used for commercial and residential use, outdoor lighting, and a wide range of other applications, playing a critical role in terms of both energy savings and sustainability.

Haitz’s contribution to the industry lies in his vision and ability to predict and communicate possible future advancements in lighting. His work made it possible for designers to visualize how future technologies could be improved, and this idea has been essential in driving innovation in the lighting industry.

Furthermore, he played an essential role in the development of LED lighting as part of the green movement–bringing the world a step closer to creating environmentally-friendly lighting systems.

The groundbreaking research of Roland Haitz and the development of his law has had both a scientific and practical impact on the industry. His work will forever be remembered as a crucial turning point in the development of LED lighting technology, as it becomes more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly.

Featured image courtesy of Light Up.

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